In my mind's eye, I visualize how a particular... sight and feeling will appear on a print. If it excites me, there is a good chance it will make a good photograph. It is an intuitive sense, an ability that comes from a lot of practice.-Ansel Adams

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rashid Ibrahim reception (UTM Semarak)

adie ibrahim, faiz basroh, lobo
lighting setup:
Hafiz mahad
adie ibrahim

tahniah pada bro ni, lu mmg sempoi!
sorry cz lambat nk upload ini picture, ade tanggungjawab lain yg lebih besar :)
pape pon selamat pengantin baru, semoga keanak cucu

p/s: aku sedih woo~ bro lu jgn lupa aku sudah.. love u always!!
mlk pics will upload soon..stay tune!~


fizaibrahim said...

wow!smart beb..da nearest after dis kak abby kn..hehe..god job!

adieibrahim said...

thanks kak!
hurmm..sepatutny kak aby la..
tp adie xleh nk buat cz clash tarikh dgn pengantin yg lain.. tu la..
serba salah dibuatnya..