A geisha girl is a Japanese woman that chose to be a prostitute.
They would sing or dance for the men.
They wore Kimonos and pained their faces in white.

Photoshooting organized by PageFOTOwork.
Talent : ieka
Make up : reemy
Location : PageSTUDIO
Concept : Geisha girl
Talent : ieka
Make up : reemy
Location : PageSTUDIO
Concept : Geisha girl
encik! i loike the technical. lighting santek, kene dengan concept. tapi model tak kene lah. hehe
heee...thanks, sebenarnya nk buat dia nampak classic tp xtau jadi ke tak..tu lah xde model, xpe nanti bila da ikut shaker mesti bnyk kenal huhuhu
ikut shaker pergi mane je? haha. awak, fashion show is the greatest place to meet up the models. trust me.
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